Honestly, I'm having the wierdest day.
I go to the apartment i'm still renting (despite buying a house) and there, on the corner, stands Robin Williams. How odd. And somehow I end up talking to him about... videogames.
He's actually in town filming a movie called "
Man of the Year" - a hilarious sounding film in which a talk show host runs for president on a lark - and ... suprise suprise.... ok i don't need to fill in the rest but it's directed by Barry Levinson (who was running around unnoticed pretty much) who did great political spoof in
Wag the Dog but is probably better known for films like
Rain Man, Good Morning Vietnam, Sleepers... etc
So my wife calls me this morning from town- "Hey. I'm looking at Robin Williams." Oh right. So he's doing this movie at the DELUXE resturant. The Deluxe is an old diner that has been shut since the 60s, and nothing has been changed inside. So lately shows like
The West Wing and various movies have been using it as a location - this would probably be the highest profile one.
(West Wing - you can see the
guy who plays JOSH and
Jimmy Smits in in there
somewheres too)
Man of the Year -
Robin on the right.
This is the second film that's currently filming in Dundas, for some reason Dundas is the place to be. Perhaps I should make a blog of what's currently filming in Dundas at any given moment- you'd be suprised.
So i watched as Robin's character drives up in a car, escorted by SUVs - secret service agents get out of the SUVs and escort him in the resturant. Exciting stuff!
Well, I went home, and later went back to my Dundas apartment to get some gear, and there he was just below my apartment, at a bank, surrounded by people getting photos and shaking hands. These were actually extras- this was a live shot of him pressing the flesh, so to speak. I kind of didn't realise this at the time and just sort of crowded in and tood some photos. I don't think they minded!!
Then someone yelled cut. Wow, i'll remember you all when i'm famous.
So Robin then talks to some people and signs autographs. He looks at me standing there with my toolkit, and says something about it - it didn't really make much sense. So I remembered that i
read somewhere he was a big fan of online gaming - so I asked him
"Hey Robin - do you still play online games?"
"Oh way too much!" he said.
"What are you playing these days?" I asked
"Battlefield 2 - the 2 stands for 2 in the morning."
"Oh really? What class do you like?"
"What class do you like to play as?"
"Oh - the sniper. I'm always the sniper!" he said enthusiastically.
"Well I'll watch out for you"
"Well you can try - but by the time you see me you'll be dead!!"
Sadly I don't think my own rig can properly float Battlefield 2 - so I'll have to take his word for it.
The prince of a guy stayed and signed some autographs, and took some photos (including the one at the top) before being ushered away.
Hey the trailer is now out for this movie, huzzah.